Adding a curved or segmented canopy provides a well-recognized look that mirrors a sidewalk’s layout or a building’s shape in an area or specified radius. Our hanger-supported curved canopies are ideal for commercial locales and venues looking to step up their space and provide a beautiful, functional, and unique focal point. These styles of canopies can be utilized in instances of limited wall support and for increased flexibility.
Contact TVMA curved roof canopy is desirable for businesses because of:
Aesthetic appeal
Unlike traditional flat roofs, curved canopies add a stylish touch to elevate your entrance and the surrounding architecture or naturally accentuate the area’s existing shape. Curved canopies shade your entryway, front door, or outdoor patio from the elements and create an intriguing fixture for patrons and passersby.
Natural drainage
The canopy’s curvature drains rainwater off the sides rather than pooling it on top. This way, you don’t have to worry about water damaging your cover or the need for elaborate drainage systems.
Enhanced structural strength
In addition to their high-strength construction, TVM’s curved awnings distribute weight more evenly than flat roofs, offering weather protection against rain, wind, and snow loads. The cantilevered curved canopies are professionally installed to ensure a perfect fit and keep customers and staff safe. Our expert craftsmanship ensures durability for the curved roof canopy and a clean, seamless finish.
Tennessee Valley Metals (TVM) has everything you need to create an attractive building entry that is also safe, durable, and long-lasting.
Contact TVMTVM curved canopies fit various applications because of how cost-effective and versatile they are. Beyond durability, our canopy designs are highly customizable, making them ideal for different projects. Furthermore, we have a wide selection of colors and exterior profiles to enhance your brand image. Even if your building wall support is limited, we will utilize a converging hanger rod design to deliver optimal results.
Contact Tennessee Valley Metals for Your Next Project
TVM has been in business for more than three decades. You can be confident you have the best canopy roof expert for the job. Contact us to discuss your options for your curved canopy roof or other projects.
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